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Frauenhaus-Beratungsstelle (Women’s Refuge Advice Centre)

Logo des Frauenhauses Münster

Frauenhaus und Beratung e.V.

The Women’s Refuge Advice Centre is an additional service provided by the independent Münster and Telgte Women’s Refuges.

It provides low-threshold, preventive, walk-in advice for women who are experiencing or threatened with physical, emotional, sexual or economic violence.

The women’s refuge advice centre can help:

  • women seeking advice on the Protection against Violence Act (Gewaltschutzgesetz)
  • women seeking advice on how to have a violent partner removed from the home
  • women with relationship or family problems or problems within their circle of friends
  • women in situations of acute crisis looking for advice or support
  • women who are being abused or threatened or are experiencing or have experienced violence
  • women who want to change their life circumstances but feel trapped, and are looking for guidance and some perspective going forward
  • women being stalked by an ex-partner
  • women of all nationalities

It goes without saying that the women’s refuge advice centre is subject to a duty of confidentiality. If you prefer, we can also help you anonymously. 


Achtermannstr. 19
48143 Münster

Tel.: 0251/1420810
Fax: 0251/1420809

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Appointments by telephone arrangement.