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Illness and recovery

Sick siblings sleeping in oe bed. © VitalikRadko -© VitalikRadko - Depositphotos.comAn illness of the child or of the supervising parent can quickly lead single parents into a special emergency situation in everyday life.

In the following articles, you will find information about sickness benefit if your child is ill, about household help if you become a parent who is sick and about cures with your child. There is also information on the promotion of low-income recreational holidays.

Further information

Family holidays and grants in North Rhine-Westphalia

Drei Kinderköpfe. © Michael Hirschka -© Michael Hirschka - pixelio.deA family holiday to get away from the stresses and strains of everyday life is really important, especially for single parents.

As a voluntary sector social welfare organisation, Diakonie offers family-friendly holidays.

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Parent and Child Kur (health spa) treatments

Tochter und Vater schauen in die Ferne. ©© rawpixel.comA parent and child Kur treatment is a three-week medical rest cure paid for by your health insurance provider. You can apply for one usually every four years.

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Domestic help when a parent is ill

Homeoffice . © Vadymvdrobot - © Vadymvdrobot - Depositphotos.comAn illness of the parent who generally takes care of the children often makes it necessary to arrange help for the household.

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Sick pay when your child is ill

Junge Radfahrerin mit Locken. © Helene Souza - © Helene Souza - pixelio.deWhen a child falls ill, the best care network is usually not of much use. The single parent stays at home to look after the child. Working parents then receive child sickness benefit from their statutory health insurance.

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Health insurance

Kuschelzeit Mutter und Tochert auf dem Sofa. ©© rawpixel.comIf you divorce and your health insurance was previously provided under your spouse’s health insurance policy, your spouse’s health insurance provider will continue to meet healthcare costs for your children. The health insurance coverage for you continues on the following day as a voluntary membership in the statutory health insurance ("GKV"), unless you declare your withdrawal within a certain period of time and provide evidence of other coverage in the event of illness.

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