Kindergeld (child benefit) and Kindergeldzuschlag (supplementary child benefit)
© Petra Bork - pixelio.deParents resident in the Federal Republic of Germany are eligible to receive Kindergeld, which takes the form of a child-related tax relief.
In January 2023 the Kindergeld was raised and it will be € 250 per month for each child.
Since July 1, 2022, children, adolescents and young adults affected by poverty have received an additional “immediate bonus” of € 20 per month.
All children who live in families who, for example, receive Grundsicherung are entitled to child allowance or those who receive benefits under the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act may receive the supplement.
The payment of the immediate bonus for children is carried out unbureaucratically by the offices that also pay out the respective basic benefit. Families who already receive child supplement or another of the benefits do not have to submit a separate application for this.
Kindergeld is paid from birth until the child reaches the age of 18, but can also continue to be paid up to the age of 25 if the child is still attending school or is on a vocational training scheme (Ausbildung).To receive Kindergeld, you need to apply to the Familienkasse office at the Agentur für Arbeit (Federal Employment Agency), or if you work for a public sector organisation, to the Familienkasse office for your organisation.
Each parent is in principle entitled to one half of the Kindergeld. Kindergeld is normally paid to the parent with whom the child lives. In the case of dependent children of single parents, the absent parent (who is obliged to provide for the child financially) can deduct half of the Kindergeld payment (or the full amount once the child reaches 18) from their maintenance payments.
Parents who are divorced or separated are each entitled to one half of the Kinderfreibetrag (child tax allowance), in each case after deduction of half the Kindergeld.
Kinderzuschlag (supplementary child benefit)
Parents who meet certain conditions can additionally apply for Kinderzuschlag (supplementary child benefit) of up to € 205 (starting January 2021) per child. These conditions include a minimum monthly income of € 600 for single parents or € 900 for couples. However, it can be checked whether a combination of housing benefit and child allowance is possible instead of ALG II. Kinderzuschlag cannot be combined with the Sozialhilfe, ALG II or Sozialgeld benefits. Deductions are made from the Kinderzuschlag for the child’s income and assets and for any maintenance or vocational training scheme (Ausbildung) payments.
More information on Kindergeld and Kinderzuschlag can be obtained from Familienkasse Rheine, or online at: Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth or Arbeitsagentur.
An Information leaflet on Kindergeld and the application form for child care, as well as information leaflet on Kinderzuschlag can also be viewed on or downloaded from the above website.
Agentur für Arbeit - Familienkasse Rheine
Dutumer Str. 5
48416 Rheine
Tel: 0800/4555530