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Frauen & Beruf (Women & career) - Berufswege e.V.

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Contact and information point at FrauenForum e.V.

Frauen & Beruf is your contact and information point for all questions relating to returning to work, starting a business or equal opportunities in the workplace. Its goal is to promote women’s participation in the labour market.

Through seminars and individual advisory sessions, Frauen & Beruf supports women in finding their professional direction, advises women looking to start a business and supports young women in planning their careers and lives.

Frauen & Beruf aims to be a partner for anyone who strives to promote equal opportunities in the workplace. Our project work aims to contribute to a female-friendly structural policy.


Iris Scherzer

Advisory sessions:

Please make a call for an appointment.


Frauen & Beruf - Berufswege e.V.

Warendorfer Straße 3
48145 Münster

Tel: 0251/55669

Email:         iThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 