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Fachberatungsstelle bei häuslicher Gewalt (Domestic violence counselling centre)

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Sozialdienst katholischer Frauen e.V. Münster

In Germany, one out of four women reports having suffered violence within a relationship. Many find it hard to talk about their experience or to escape from the relationship.

If you have experienced or been threatened with domestic violence, the advice centre can provide comprehensive information and support on all issues relating to removal of the perpetrator from your home, restraining orders preventing the perpetrator from contacting or approaching you under the "Gewaltschutzgesetz" (Protection from Violence Act) and prohibiting the perpetrator from returning under the "PolG NW" (police law):

  • ensuring your personal safety
  • dealing with government agencies, lawyers, courts and other advice centres and organisations
  • working through the violence you have experienced
  • working out the way forward
  • financial problems
  • questions on visitation rights

Advisory consultations can be held in our offices or at another location of your choosing. Appointments by arrangement.



Fachberatungsstelle bei häuslicher Gewalt
Sozialdienst katholischer Frauen e.V. Münster
Wolbecker Str. 16 a
48155 Münster
Tel: 0251/133223-0 und 0162/8018910 (day and night)
Fax: 0251/133223-12
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.