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Childminding advice centre at the Amt für Kinder, Jugendliche und Familien

Amt für Kinder. Jugendliche und Familien

Childminding is a bonding-based , stimulating and child-oriented form of care in small groups which  is especially suitable for children in the first three years of life. Childminding is legally anchored in the eighth book of the German Social Code (Sozialgesetzbuch), as well as in the Children's Education Act (Kinderbildungsgesetz, KiBiz).

Childminders, who are called Tagespflegepersonen by the law of the state NRW, look after up to five children simultaneously, for the whole day or for a part of the day.

For the fulfillment of the legal entitlement for child care starting from the first year of life, childminding provides an equivalent alternative to the care in the day care center.

You should opt for childminding, if

  • you wish for individual, bonding-based care for your child by a specific caregiver,
  • you want to raise your child in a family-like, manageable care situation,
  • you, with regard to your child, attach value to natural everyday learning as a prerequisite for further formal learning processes,
  • you appreciate the sibling-like relationships of your child in a small care group
  • you want everyday life-like, development-oriented and individual support and education for your child
  • you wish to have a parenting partnership with a childminder and a daycare family and extended contact with the childminding family

You can find information on the individual educational focuses of the individual childminders in the respective pedagogical concepts which the childminders will present to you in the course of your first meeting.

Childminders work as self-employed and create their own care programmes. Some already offer care from 7 o'clock. Some also will look after your child into the evening hours. Others only offer their services on certain days of the week. Usually, the supervision hours are based on the working or training times of the parents or your individual needs.

The consultant will determine the exact scope of the childminding with you during the consultation. The hours can also be adjusted to your changing needs during a current care by prior arrangement.

For educational reasons, we recommend that a child is looked after for at least three times a week by the childminder. This ensures that everyday life, daily routine, trust and security are established.

Help with finding a childcare place

Your counselor at the childminding advice centre knows all active childminders and the
free childcare places in Münster at the time of the search.

You can register online at the “Kita-Navigator”. In the initial consultation, the consultant determines your individual need for care, in order to then be able to arrange for a qualified childminder to meet your needs

Registering at the Kita-Navigator

Childminding is a selectable option at the Kita-Navigator, just like day care centers. This means that you can preregister for childminding just like you are able to preregister for a place in day care.

The difference to preregistering at a particular day care centre is that the preregistration for childminding services is not person-based but district-based. For childminding, you would therefore preregister in the district „Innenstadt Nord/Nordost“ oder „Gievenbeck“.

After successful registration and preregistration, the childminding advice centre can access your data and you will receive a confirmation of receipt within one month. Your consultant will invite you to a meeting if she can suggest you a place in childminding. You can assume that your consultant will use all possibilities to find suitable proposals for you.

If you have established contact with a childminder by private means, please contact your local consultant to clarify the procedure.


Beratungsstelle für Kindertagespflege              

Hafenstraße 30 (Junkerstraße 1 entrance)
48153 Münster

Tel: 0251-4925680  
Fax: 0251-4927909                                             

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