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Babysitter register in the Familienzentrum Kita Rumphorst provided by the Familienbildung Friedensstraße e.V.

Babysitterkartei in der KITA Rumphorst

Familienzentrum KiTa Rumphorst keeps a babysitter register broken down by city district. The centre offers babysitting courses in collaboration with Familienbildung Friedensstraße e.V. and keeps a register of babysitters for the Rumphorst district.

The babysitter register is available for viewing at the following times:

  • in the KiTa neighbourhood café every 3rd Wednesday of the month, 2.30 pm – 4 pm
  • during KiTa opening hours


Städt. Kindertageseinrichtung und Familienzentrum Rumphorst

Stefanie Grote
Deputy: Jessica Reichstein
Elisabeth-Selbert-Weg 2
48147 Münster

Tel:          0251/230463
Fax:         0251/3995241

E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.