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DiNo - Dienst im Notfall

Logo DinoA VAMV project

The Verband alleinerziehender Mütter und Väter e.V. (Single Parents Association, VAMV) also offers emergency childcare.

DiNo stands for Dienst im Notfall (‘service in an emergency’), and provides experienced carers who come to your home to look after your children and help with domestic tasks.

The service is available to all parents irrespective of their marital status. DiNo offers temporary, emergency childcare only and does not offer long term childcare. 

DiNo helps

  • when a mother or father becomes sick
  • when some other emergency situation arises

If a mother or father is ill, they may, with the relevant doctor’s certificate, be able to apply to their health insurance provider for domestic help.

For other emergency situations, you may under certain circumstances be able to apply to the Amt für Kinder, Jugendliche und Familien (Child and Family Welfare Office) for reimbursement of costs.

DiNo staff will be happy to provide you with more information on making an application and possible help with funding.


DiNo im VAMV
Verband alleinerziehender Mütter und Väter e. V.
Achtermannstr. 19
Business Center II
48143 Münster
Tel.: 0251/277133
Fax: 0251/277132
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Office hours:
Mon – Fri            10 am – 2 pm
Tue                     4 pm – 6 pm