Ev. Familienbildungsstätte Münster (Protestant family education center in Münster)
The Ev. Fabi accompanies families coping with situations of upheaval and challenges of everyday life. We offer courses for parents (single or in a couple).
Accessibility Tools
In Münster there is a wide range of counseling and education opportunities that can be found in the individual districts. The following facilities provide assistance and support for crises and problems that may affect your children but also you personally.
In addition, there are also numerous institutions that offer educational opportunities and opportunities for leisure activities.
The Ev. Fabi accompanies families coping with situations of upheaval and challenges of everyday life. We offer courses for parents (single or in a couple).
Sozialdienst katholischer Frauen e.V. Münster
In Germany, one out of four women reports having suffered violence within a relationship. Many find it hard to talk about their experience or to escape from the relationship.
We are the family education centre on Friedensstraße. Our welcoming, child-friendly rooms are a public meeting place for all. Our course groups provide a pleasant atmosphere in which to learn together and share personal experiences, and offer encouragement and support for mothers and fathers.
Beratungsstelle Frauen helfen Frauen e.V. offers one-off or ongoing counselling sessions for women and girls aged 16 or over.
It is also possible to participate in individual and/or group therapy.
Frauenhaus und Beratung e.V.
The Women’s Refuge Advice Centre is an additional service provided by the independent Münster and Telgte Women’s Refuges.
It provides low-threshold, preventive, walk-in advice for women who are experiencing or threatened with physical, emotional, sexual or economic violence.
Early years support (frühe Hilfen) refers to preventive support and assistance for parents and children from the beginning of pregnancy until children are a few years old. Our objective is to achieve a lasting improvement in development opportunities for children and parents within the family and in society. In addition to everyday practical support, early years support is aimed in particular at improving the relationship and parenting skills of pregnant women, mothers and fathers.
Haus der Familie Münster – Katholisches Bildungsforum im Stadtdekanat Münster e.V. is a state-accredited family and adult education institution in the city of Munster. The focus is on parent and family education and the institution is financed and run by the Catholic church.
The Jobcenter has two core tasks:
it provides benefits to ensure subsistence pursuant to SGB II, and advises benefit claimants and helps them find work.
At all Jobcenter locations, we have dedicated advisors for single parents, who are committed to providing you with comprehensive advice and support, taking into account your individual circumstances.
All types of families and all generations meet at our public neighbourhood get-togethers (childcare available) for public courses or events or just for a bit of free time.
Frauenhaus und Beratung e.V.
Refuges for women of all ages (18 or over), religions and nationalities, regardless of residential status, who are victims of physical or emotional abuse.
The women's refuges provide a safe place for women who have been oppressed, verbally abused, threatened, beaten, kicked or confined by their husbands, friends or fathers, and for their children. They are available to all women affected by these issues 24 hours a day.
You can talk to us!
pro familia stands for independent family planning and sexual self-determination. Our advice is free of charge and independent of nationality and religious denomination.